Sunday, December 13, 2009


I'm beat. Loaded up the little Honda and made a round-trip to the site, unloading stuff that we didn't want or need the movers to handle, like my not quite antique glass collection, futons, fans, vases, etc. It was kind of cold in Tokyo when I left but a few degrees warmer in Akiya, and toasty warm in the house--almost like someone left a heater on. Then came back to the Tokyo house, and spent hours packing, and putting out trash for tomorrow's pickup (we left a mountain of almost embarrassing volume).

m went with some friends on a mikan picking trip, and M's mom was a huge help in packing. She is such a pro that I couldn't find anything in the kitchen; we're trying to use up all the stuff left in the refrigerator, but when I made pasta (knowing I could make it at brain-scorching heat since m was not around), I couldn't find anything: no collander, no chilis, no carrots--so I added whatever hot sauce I could find in the refrigerator, from tabasco to some shit I couldn't even read the lable on.

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