Tuesday, October 13, 2009


We had a meeting with Takahashi-san, the architect, and Yamada-san, the contractor's salesman, on Sunday. It's getting to where we can check out the various rooms--kind of try them out for size, so to speak--and we're making the best of it. We lugged down M's massage bed from Tokyo and set it up in her salon room, and she took care of m, her first customer (non-paying). The wooden shelf on the right is to hold a sink and various things for post-massage refreshment, but it is not the right size so we're going to have the carpenter redo it. The walls of this room will also be done in keisodo, the plaster mixture of plankton and volcanic ash that has miniscule pores, and is supposed to be excellent in keeping down humidity.m, however, saw nothing wrong with her ladder to the loft in her bedroom.

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