Monday, January 31, 2011

m's bag

We made it over to the Yokosuka Museum of Art in time to catch m's exhibition. Well, her entry, anyway. The museum, a beautiful building built on a slope overlooking Tokyo Bay that has some excellent shows, is using an entire wing to show art from the various schools in the area, from day care centers through high schools. It's really well done. m's contribution (above) was one of two picked from her class and it's the very first piece nearest the entrance. The displays were really well done, as was a lot of the art, and with all the kids bringing their families to check it out, it's an ideal way for the museum to get exposure. The last time we went there was for the pop art exhibition--all Warhol, etc.--but the highlight was the sound. The entire time we were wandering through the rooms, we were serenaded by these metallic, but organic hums, shimmering scales and very low bongs. When we got to the end of the exhibit, there was an entire open room full of all kinds of hand-made instruments by this guy who does a lot of film soundtracks and other sound effects. All that time the sounds we'd been listening to were those of other museum goers playing with the instruments, so we stayed there and played for about an hour, passing on the favor to later visitors. Very cool.

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