Sunday, November 15, 2009

scott's lot

This is Scott and the house he and his wife Reiko built on a secluded, awesome piece of land they found in the hills of Chiba. They are the only friends I know who made their own place from scratch, and their house is a beautiful mix of Japanese and Western that matches the location perfectly. (There is a small lake out back, and theirs is the only home on it.)

Seeing this place convinced us of the worth of living outside of the city, and hearing about the struggles and joys of building made us believe it was possible. In the train on the way home we decided to go forward with building and moving (and since it was delayed, giving us a three-hour ride, we had plenty of time for it to sink in). That was almost two years ago, and I still have dreams about the slope of the tiled roof, the big living room, the expanse of deck and the water beyond.

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